On this episode I talk about how finding your purpose, and acknowledging it, to help move you to achieve your goals.
A few years ago, I think it was about 10 years ago, (maybe) I was asked to write on a card of what my purpose is, wow! What a question.
We were told to write three points.
This was an exercise a group of us were asked to do.
I could see a few people having to think for a while, but mine came straight to me as I scribbled it on the card.
I found this card a few years back, as I was moving out of my apartment, it made me smile as I could see that I was achieving this through my actions since I began my Run Donna Run journey, my keynote speaking, my books, blogging, adventure programs and now my podcast.
My card said this: ‘My purpose is to inspire, motivate others by telling my story. I want to make a difference. Give others an A-HA moment!’
This has been a big goal of mine to write my book and share my story to people so I could inspire others with my story, and now share other people’s stories too… on my podcast.
Ever since I found this card, I have kept it close and stuck it (every year) inside the cover of my diary.
I’m sharing this with you, not to just brag, but to ask you the same question! And maybe you could write it on a card and keep it close to you.
What is your purpose? Write 3 points on a card/paper.
You may want to keep this a secret…or I find it works even better if you tell those around you.
Feel free to share in the comments, I’d love to see what your three points are. Or if you prefer to keep it a little private, Private Message me at facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DonnaCampisiSpeakerAuthorAdventurer
If you’d like further inspiration, you can grab your copy of The Unlikely Marathoner at http://www.theunlikelymarathoner.com/ easy!
The Power is in Me…it’s in You too! Go get it …..Ready Set Goal!
Listen to more ‘Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi’ podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
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