On this episode I talk about the importance of enjoying the journey, even if we need to change our direction and think creatively to get to our goal .
Changing your direction of how to get to your goal, is an even more challenging task than the actual goal was to begin with sometimes. But sometimes this is where we develop a more creative side of our self, that was always there, but we may not have used it as we felt there was no need to…we think, mostly, that the straight road is the easiest, fasted route to our end destination (aka Goal).
I have mentioned many times in this podcast, and so have my awesome guests who have achieved their dream goal, the importance of enjoying the journey, and seeking opportunities that we may otherwise miss or not think about, as we are too stuck in our own world/zone that we miss the awesomeness around us that’s involved in reaching our goal, and can become part of the journey…your story.
As you know by now, I love speaking with guests about their goals, but really delving into their stories of what or how they came to wanting that particular goal, and also how they reached it.
I think the story within the goal is important to help motivate us more to stay on track in reaching our goal.
However, when I say ‘stay on track’ I don’t necessarily mean the straight same track or road to get there, as mentioned at the beginning, this track may take a different direction, that can sometimes seem scary or give us uncertainty….that’s part of the game of life!
So, how adaptable or flexible are you? How do you cope with change? Change can certainly be as I said, an uncertain maybe even scary path or time, especially when it is from circumstances out of our control. Do you like to have control, ALL of the time, are you a control freak perhaps? I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just that when we fall into a situation that is out of our control, how do you deal with it?
Have you thought about all of the other options that are out there? If this is difficult, have you had conversations with others about this? Perhaps even a coach or mentor, partner, friend or family member. Or even someone you know who has achieved this same goal, or something similar.
We have technology on our side, when it works, believe me I’ve had some problems more recently with technology myself…no phone or internet service. But I found areas in my life, to do with my goals that I could focus more on, that perhaps I didn’t make the time to focus on as much as I did when technology was working.
It’s an example of changing direction, but still enjoying the journey along the way…. even if I don’t have full control of what was in my original plan to begin with. Yes, it’s been frustrating at times, but when I look at the bigger picture and realise that this is a portion of my journey that I will look back on, and say wow, look what I did with that tough, frustrating time, and how I got through it to reach the end goal! It’s all part of the journey and story of life.
I know there are tougher things in life going on, than me having problems with technology at the moment, big deal Donna (I hear you say) and sure, I truly respect that and believe that to be true. So this is where we look at ourselves and show gratitude and appreciate what we have. As my mother used to tell me when I was 7 years old, laying in a bed after my stroke unable to walk or use my right hand…”Donna, there is always someone worse off than you.”
So let’s try and work with this change of direction in our lives right now. How can we help each other? How can we be creative? How can we be the understanding friend to lend a shoulder, instead of focusing on our particular needs? How can we help our community as a whole? How can we still strive to be our best in work or play? How can we be a good role model? How can we still reach our goal that we are aiming for?
Asking ourselves “how can I?” instead of asking “Can I?” is a more creative way, I have mentioned previously in Episode 12 – How can I get past the ‘I Can’t’ attitude? It’s something I encourage you to make a habit in your life. Ask yourself “How can I?” Especially in these times of circumstances out of your control.
Can we stand back for a while and be accepting of the red light, and be more patient while waiting for the green light? These are all questions that I hope will give you something to think about and take action on, in making your journey on this rough road, a little more accepting and less frustrating.
What are you going to do when facing a change in direction?
Ready! Set! Goal!
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
To book Donna to speak at your next event, contact her at: https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Listen to more episodes of ‘Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi’ podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
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