On this episode I talk about my exciting new project to help you build confidence with “Change.”
Wow! Today has been a crazily busy day for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been productive.
I am the type of person, before I go to bed, I put dot points in my diary for the next day. What are the dot points? Goals for the day! Big or small, it doesn’t matter.
This morning was one of those days, I had one important point in my diary I wanted and needed to do….but I got distracted by the noise around me, the requests asked of me, the emails requesting answers, the phone calls, texts, Messenger beeps…it was all stuff I was pretty happy doinhg, I was getting through the day, being active and productive…maybe forgetting about lunch, until 4pm and snacking on a crumb…ok, so it was a few crackers, not quite a crumb. Maybe it’s a crumb in an Italian household… But the point is I was busily distracted.
Yes, busily distracted!
I realised it was 6pm AND I hadn’t even touched the point in my diary that was the important thing to do on my to do list for the day! None of the stuff I was doing was even on my list, but life just happens, yea?
Does this ever happen to you? You find yourself serving others, answering questions that are important to others, solving problems that could have been solved by them, and they could have learnt from themselves, these maybe others who are important in your life, like your family, colleagues, boss, friends, etc. But you forget what your purpose was for the day, maybe even the year! Yes, the year!
This brings me back to the beginning of this year! 2020, when everyone was excited about 2020. A new year, a new decade which often means new aims, goals, ideas, excitement, unknowns and so on, that everyone gets excited about. It’s exciting stuff!
But then something happens. Exciting ideas and dreams are sometimes put aside, as we may get distracted, just like my day today! It can easily happen.
Or perhaps it maybe something else that stops us from moving closer to our new aims, goals, ideas, excitement, and unknowns
Some the things that stop us other than distractions, are facing fears, especially of the unknown, or having doubts of the changes we need to make, to reach that place we first set our heart on.
This subject has been on my mind for sometime now, I have seen it with many people, and had many discussions about it, not only when coaching people, but just in everyday conversation. For instance: “Hi, how have you been?” “Oh, don’t get me started! I’ve been so busy doing this, this and this…I’ve hardly had a moment to myself to do this, this or this!” You know the conversation I’m talking about.
So how do we expect to actually get to those new year goals, aims or dreams that we were so excited about at the beginning of 2020?
This is where, with excitement, and no hesitation I decided to help in this area, with a project I started in February this year, 2020. I brought a bunch of Change Influencers together. They are 10 inspiring authors, who have made changes in their life from choice or even by circumstances out of their control. They are sharing their stories and insights, to inspire readers to make that change, in a collaborative book I have put together.
Change can be scary…but exciting. We know great things, ideas, solutions, situations, and opportunities have come from change!
AND then, it happened! Just months after reaching out to my chosen authors, the world was forced to change, drastically! Wow! Covid19 hit us! BANG!
BUT I knew this book had to go on, it wasn’t a time to stop! This is a time where we definitly need support, help, insights, inspiration, ideas, solutions, and motivation to create opportunities that come from change, right?
I will keep you up to date with what’s happening with our collaborative book on change maker here, and you can also see updated at my Facebook page Donna Campisi – Speaker, Author, Adventurer & Podcaster see the link in the show notes at readysetgoalpodcast.com
I feel really rejuvenated now, and excited I have finally shared my new project/goal with you. And am over the “busily distracted day” I’ve got things done now, I think I’ll go and eat a decent meal now
I hope this has inspired you to reflect on your 2020 aims you made in the beginning of the year, and make small steps each day to reach those aims.
I’m excited for you, so let’s get to it!
Ready! Set! Goal!
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
To book Donna to speak at your next event, contact her at: https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Listen to more episodes of ‘Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi’ podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
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