On this episode I talk about finding clarity with your goal, getting specific before making a plan.
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
It’s been said to me many times: ‘Donna, I do this…, this…and this… in my business.’ My dream goal is to do this, this AND this…But they’re not fully certain about what their actual goal is OR what the end result looks like…example who they serve and what solution they are offering their client/customer, whether it’s a product or service, if its business related, or the outcome they want may be a personal goal.
Having clarity in your goal can sometimes be tricky to pinpoint.
For example: Many business owners want to help everyone and anyone! But the majority of the time, that doesn’t work!’
I will demonstrate here how you can get past the start line, with a clear path and an ‘I can attitude.’
There are many benefits you’ll get from this, but firstly, what’s important to you?
Let me remind you… that this is your dream – it’s nobody else’s, you own it.
Remember, this can be in business or a personal dream or goal.
When you own it and have the clarity of what the goal is about, you gain certainty.
You need to know when you’re going to start this goal, and know what solution you’re going to solve.
Make a statement that’s specific about your goal, and the problem you are solving for yourself or even your clients/customers…. if this is biz related.
When you make your statement, this gives you the certainty and confidence to move forward, which then gives you courage.
For example: I have used this exercise in workshops I’ve conducted and seen the amazing shift in people’s realisation of the clarity they need to gain and get specific about with their goal.
The exercise goes like this: I ask people to get in groups of 2.
They usually have 5 minutes to do this exercise, with someone they don’t know.
In this group of 2, there is Person A is the speaker, and person B is the listener.
Person says the following:
Here’s an example:
My name is Joan, I learned from my years as a wedding photographer, how women are self-conscious when getting their photo taken, and self-critical of the end result.
So now I help women in business with their professional portrait photos, get the results they want.
I do this by making them feel comfortable with the process and show the real woman they are wanting to portray to their clients, by getting to know them and their business more.
I love doing this as it makes women feel good and gives confidence about promoting themselves and their business.
So, Person B needs to listen carefully, as they will be telling the group what they have learned from person A.
When person A listens to person B, tell the whole group….they usually realise they have rambled a little, and what was actually understood or picked up from person B (the listener), was not necessarily what was in their mind.
Sometimes they go to interrupt their person B, which I encourage them not to…and let the listener (person B) finish what they have to say, and understood, when sharing with the whole group.
This is proof of how unclear people can be about their own goal, and how there is a need for them to get really clear on their own goal, in their mind, and when sharing this with others.
Knowing what you want at a deeper, emotional level is always right – trust it. I always say, go with your gut feeling. But get specific.
You can try this exercise out with friends if you like, or colleagues. To see and hear how clear your goal is understood. If it’s not clearly understood by others, then perhaps this needs to be clear in your mind with specifics, when gaining clarity.
How do you do this, and gain certainty? Go back to the 5 points I mentioned above, and do what I call ‘Brain Dump.’
Address the 5 points as to what comes to mind and from your experience. Be as detailed as possible, as this can be shortened when made more specific to exactly what you are wanting to achieve.
Then after you complete this process, and tried it on a friend, family or colleague, say what you have written to them, and try to see how they have interpreted it. This will help you gain clarity and get specific with your goal. It’s more or less your mission statement, which you may have seen at your work place etc.
Then, you create a plan; that’s why I follow the Baby Step Method, in any goal I’ve achieved.
It’s what I’ve used and helped other people with their business or adventure, or personal goals and they’ve achieved it, using the Baby Step Method.
If you haven’t heard me talk about this before, it’s self-explanatory – The Baby Step Method is what it says, making baby steps to reach your goal.
This is an important point to get your mindset started on the right track! I talk further about this in my book The Unlikely Marathoner, but will be delving further in to this in the upcoming podcasts too.
I encourage you to use this method go to the link below and grab your template of the Baby Step Method to start planning your goal, and set a date.
There are a few points with the Baby Step Method plan that you’ll need to consider to move forward and succeed in reaching your big goal.
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who you think may like to make a specific plan and get clarity on their dream goal too, and turn their dream into reality.
And Please feel free to share your specific goal with me, by sending me a direct message at my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DonnaCampisiSpeakerAuthorAdventurer/ I love hearing/or reading what you’re up to…
If you find you’re really stuck on this topic of getting specific and finding clarity, feel free to contact me at DonnaCampisi.com/contact where I can help you reach your particular goal.
The Baby Step method is found in my book, The Unlikely Marathoner http://www.theunlikelymarathoner.com/ or here for you, direct to my super awesome subscribers https://donnacampisi.com/the-baby-step-method/
The Power is in Me…it’s in You too! Get to it…Ready set goal!
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
The Power is in Me…it’s in You too!
Get to it…. Ready! Set! Goal!
To book Donna to speak at your next event, contact her at: https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Listen to more ‘Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi’ podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
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