On this episode I talk about how the uncomfortable topic of getting out of your comfort zone will help you reach your goal.
‘Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.’ – Brian Tracey
Moving out of our comfort zone is a major leap when going for your big goal, but this is where the real action begins for us to reach that big goal.
Why? Well, it takes you to places you’ve never been to. It can be scary, but exciting too. When I’m facing a big challenge, people may ask, ‘Are you scared, Donna?’ And I’ve said at times, ‘Well, yeah, it’s a bit scary, but I’m excited too!’
That’s what challenges are about. They help you to grow. And they’re invigorating, too. So, a positive challenge will propel you to move forward, rather than backward when getting out of your comfort zone.
If you’re doing something the same all the time and you’re not getting anywhere with your goal, that’s when you have to make a decision and say, ‘What do I have to do differently?’ Maybe you have to make that scary call you’ve been avoiding in your business, or that conversation you’ve wanted to have with your boss to ask for that pay rise, or maybe you need, or maybe you just have to say no for a change, instead of saying yes? And so on, and so on…
‘If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.’ – Unknown
I find that when people do stay in their comfort zone, they get stuck or stay in the same spot. They’re not reaching their goal, because they stay in fear of the unknown. They don’t progress or move forward to reach their target. But I want you to reach that target, That’s the reason I’m addressing this, there are many excuses or reasons to avoid this tough topic.
Science has found that a moderate level of uncertainty and anxiety can help people be ready for anything. People who are out of their comfort zones are better at multitasking and more aware of potential problems. Dr Stephen Josephson, a psychologist in New York City who has treated athletes, actors and musicians, has said: ‘Coaches and sports psychologists have always known that you don’t want your athlete to be relaxed right before an event. You need some ‘juice’ to go fast.’ Is that juice fear, nervous energy, or excitement perhaps?
In the beginning, to move out of your comfort zone can be a huge, scary thing. When you make it a habit – to jump out and think outside the square to get to your goal – this is where the magic happens.
When it comes to moving out of your comfort zone, I also advise seeking a mentor: someone who’s already done this particular goal, or something similar. You may not know anyone who has done what you want to do, and that can make it big and scary as well. But if you seek a mentor, that can be really helpful and get you charged.
Ask around. These are the times where you say your goal out loud. Perhaps you don’t want to tell the whole world yet? Perhaps you just want to talk to close friends about it and ask them, ‘Do you know anyone who has done this?’ Maybe they’ll be able to help you, or put the word out for you.
It’s going to be a challenge if you have to step out of your comfort zone. So I really encourage you to.
I have an exercise that I advise people to do, because it gets you into the habit of doing something different: do one scary thing every day. It can be smaller things, like making those calls that you need to do in your business, rather than something huge. Make those ten sales calls that you’ve been putting on the bottom of your list every day, because you’re making the excuse of needing to do something else first … but really, you know what you need to do. It’s always on your list and you haven’t done it yet because it’s too scary.
Another scary thing that you could do is just say ‘no’ to someone. Are there things or people getting in the way of your goal because you always say ‘yes’ to everyone? Do you really like what you’re saying yes to? Or are you saying yes because you find it difficult to say no? Are you a constant crowd pleaser who really isn’t getting pleasure in your life, or getting closer to your goal end result?
If you want to get to your goal on the date that you’ve set and move out of your comfort zone, you need to sometimes say no, and prioritise.
I’ve needed to change what I knew of my goals in the past, and do things differently that are sometimes difficult for me.
A coach or mentor is great to have, but you need to follow a coach’s directions, because she/he have done this before. They have helped other people who succeeded in their goals, and perhaps was once someone in your position in their past. You need to trust that they will get you there and help with your plan, to reach your end result.
Sometimes I hear people say, ‘I can’t change, I need to stay in my routine.’ And joke and say ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ But really, has this attitude helped them so far?
Has your routine helped you get to your goal that you’ve found challenging, the goal that you always dream about?
Have you ever had such a big goal, something that you’ve dreamt about for so long? Now you can take action to change what you’re currently doing, even by listening to this podcast, or even if you want to contact me at DonnaCampisi.com as I know it’s one of the scary steps, getting out of your comfort zone, but it’s a positive step, that I’d love to help you with. I know from helping many people face their fears, there’s such a change for them for the better, and they can see how they are able to face their fear and go for that goal which they’ve always dreamt about.
Be comfortable with getting out of your comfort zone.
We can over-analyse and create ridiculous thoughts in our mind sometimes, even to the point of thinking they are real excuses that stop us from moving out of our comfort zone and closer to our goal … because we start believing the excuses are true, and a reason not to go for our goal.
Be open to change, to progress – this is how you will move forward.
To contact Donna go to https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE
Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.
The Power is in Me…it’s in You too!
Get to it…. Ready! Set!
To book Donna to speak at your next event, contact her at: https://donnacampisi.com/contact/
Listen to more ‘Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi’ podcast at: https://donnacampisi.com/ready-set-goal/
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